
micro worlds

A friend of Sadie mentioned this great video by Christopher Smith, saying the new Sadie "cave explorer" necklaces reminded her of it. I checked it out, and what a lovely world this video walks us through!

cream geode
grey geode

It seems a little early to start letting the snow fly, but I suppose if you live in certain parts of the Prairies, that's hardly the case. When I lived in Calgary it seemed Halloween was always the first really cold day of the year, or the first day you noticed how cold it had gotten. Costumes are a little less spectacular under parkas. The key was to come up with a costume idea that could incorporate insulation. Think "giant pumpkin," "wolfman," or "ski team." I was never any of those things. I think my favourite Halloween costume was Donna from Twin Peaks. I wanted to be Nadine but couldn't find an eye patch. Oh well. What are you dressing up as this year?


  1. wow, this is really beautiful, but sad too!

  2. Beautiful and sad, that's exactly how I think of winter. All I want is summer to come back, but the snow and ice is pretty!


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